Nana and Bird- Business Times Weekend 03/11
Thanks to Nana and Bird for the shout out in Business Times Weekend. Nana and Bird are a pop up store in Singapore- check them out on our list of stockists:
Bold Italic Underline
Nice little shout out for Handsome and Joe by Bold Italic Underline
New Wheelchair accessible Taxi Launched in Hong Kong
We are really pleased to be blogging about Diamond Cab, Hong Kong's first wheelchair accessible taxis. If you have not visited their website, then check them out . Diamond Cab's call center is managing pre-bookings starting from 24 January - Today! Highest priority to Wheelchair users, of course.
Yahoo Leisure Hot Picks 20th January, 2011
So now I know what everybody's been talking about for the past couple days. I was completely oblivious to this... Click the photo for the article:
Our feature on doc tv - in Athens - 28/12/10
Greece likes us- they really like us. And we love them. So here's to our European debut and to our good friends Alexandra Matheou and Melita Karali. English translation to come.
Joseph's Radio Interview
Check out Joe's interview on 88.1FM - For all our Non-Canto speaking friends out there, here is a brief summary: "The Handsome Bag Company is awesome!"
'nuff said!
Click HERE to listen to Joseph on 88.1 FM
Exhibiting at Detour 27 November, 2010
The Busy Weekend- MaD and TEDx
Incredibly busy weekend- so busy that we've only now had the opportunity to blog about it. Hot on the heels of doing MaD Pecha Kucha in Guangzhou, Handsome has been at MaD's Social Enterprise Summit and TEDx Youth Day. Joe managed to hobble on stage to foot-stamping and applause after completing Trailwalker in 27.5 hours and Billy handled TEDx fresh from supporting Joe's team out at Tai Mo Shan early that morning. Two fantastic events, we're happy and honoured to have been invited.
Flying Colours
SO, we've had a big couple weeks. What most people don't know is that we've been hard at work on THESE the whole time. Now Handsome Bags come in 3 colours: 1. HK and Kowloon Red; 2. New Territories Green; and 3. Lantau Island Blue
Believe it or not, there is EVEN more to come as we've been working flat out. Stay tuned!
MaD@Social Enterprise Summit - 20th November, 2010
Hi everyone. Joe is going to be talking at MaD@SES on the 20th. I won't be there because I'll be talking at TED that day but you guys can go see him and tell me about it. If you would like a ticket then tell us and we can get you a discount. Tickets are $150 and after the discount they are $105 - all the other info can be found here
Hey Handsome, What's In the Bag? - 08/11/10
Got an extremely generous write up from Ms. Penny C of Penny's Daybook. Penny's Daybook is this great online lifestyle portal based out of Singapore, be sure to check them out HERE.
TED X Youth Day 20/11/10
We'll be talking about our experiences with Handsome bag and what lead up to the formation of it at TED X Youth Day on the 20th of November, registration is happening now and will go on till next week. Lots of great speakers that day including, ukulele virtuoso, Jake Shimabukuro- should be a really fantastic event. You can register for a seat here
MAD Pecha Kucha - Road Trip to Guangzhou 8/11/10
Joe and I took the day out on Sunday to take a road trip up to Guangzhou to speak at MaD PechaKucha @ Guangzhou. Check them out here. Got some nice feedback and some nice photos too, actually the bit about the dodgy Cantonese is a bit embarrassing but I was under pressure!:
@棉布番薯 最喜欢Joseph跟Billy.一个阳光不造做.一个温柔很真诚.因为自己喜欢做手工.所以听到俊记的故事也就特别留意他们.启发跟激励满大的.作为一个学生.比他们有更多的空闲时间.我还有什么借口一直拖延很久很久之前就想要去做的事.
@cjh127 一个PKNXmad活动,认识了6位设计师,分享了6个设计创意故事!最喜欢的讲者是可爱的Billy,喜欢他那操着一口不太流利的粤语的模样还有他的不give up!
@菜衍青:昨天参加了一场激动人心的PKNxMaD。无论是PKN亦或是MaD,它们每一次都能够让充满梦想的年青人热血沸腾,台上的讲者们向我们展现了改变世界的无限种可能性。印象最深刻的是Joseph和Billy的“Handsome Bag”,在通过废物升级改造成时尚品的同时,为香港妇女提供工作机会。社会创新是这个时代给予年轻人的巨大舞台,我们都应该站上去。
In Search of Icons
Wokai Scramble V2 Urban Scavenger Hunt
The Wokai Scramble happened last weekend and it was a great success. We raised over HKD8000 for Wokai, which is a microfinancing institution that aids entrepreneurs in rural China.
Handsome Bag Co. was one of several prize sponsors for the scramble - well done to Kathryn and Francis, the fastest pair, for winning those tote bags! We hope you make good use of them.
This beautiful video was made by Brian Fu, from flwrider, who also shot our craftslady interviews
An Intro to The Women Worker's Association
This is our second video in a series about the craftspeople and NGOs that we work with. This is Ha from the Hong Kong Women Worker's Association
Better, Stronger, More Detailed
After a long month of product development and working closely with our seamstress, Kwan Tse, we have come up with a version of the taxi bag which we are very VERY happy with. The new version has a canvas interior and not 1, not 2, not, 3 but 5 pockets (if you count the exterior pocket). The lining is in the familiar bright red and proudly displays our 'Made in Kowloon' tag that was designed by Linda Huang.
Carpet Banner and Leather Exhibition 10/09/10 - 26/09/10
We are part of the Carpet Banner and Leather UpCycling exhibition again- catch the last couple days at the JCCAC in Shek Kip Mei before it goes forever! There are some really great things which have been designed by some very talented and young HK creatives from very diverse backgrounds. My personal favourites are the Jerry Can speaker system, the scrap wood and leather pinhole cameras and the old QWERTY keyboard key USB sticks- of course those Taxi Bags are pretty cool too.