Joseph's Chair Wins 3rd Place at Ambassadors of Design Ball 2010

Very happy to hear that Joseph has just won 3rd place at this year's Ambassadors of Design Ball with his design, 'the Skinny'.

The skinny is made of bent aluminum, heat bent lexan plastic and rubber washers. It was built by hand and Joseph says his aim was to push the properties of the materials to their boundaries to create a chair that is functional even though it appears to be impractical.

The Ambassadors of Design collective aims to raise awareness of creativity and design in Hong Kong and it hosts an annual open competition. This year's competition theme was 'Chairs' and it saw many wonderful designs from Hong Kong designers as well as contributions from internationally renowned talents such as Zaha Hadid, Kelly Hoppen, and Thomas Heatherwick who partook by providing their chair designs for an auction on the night of the ball.

Congratulations Joseph!

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Community, Create, Presentations Billy Potts Community, Create, Presentations Billy Potts

Home Sew for Handsome Bag Co.

Hey everyone! Please head over to our 'IMPACT' page to see our newly edited interview video of our seamstress, sister Kwun.

As much as this project is about the finished product, the design and manufacture process is just as important to us at the Handsome Bag Co. So here is a glimpse of the people that work behind the scenes to deliver you a good, honest product.

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Panels and Talks, Press Billy Potts Panels and Talks, Press Billy Potts

HKSEC 2010 Social Entrepreneur

Joseph will be speaking on a panel at the HK Social Entrepreneur Challenge at Chinese University on August 28th- should be good!

Date: August 28, 2010 (Sat) Time: 2:00pm to 4:30pm

Venue: LT 5, Teaching Building at Chak Cheung Street, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T. (Map)

Language: English

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Press Billy Potts Press Billy Potts

Sandymama 14 August, 2010

We will be  at Sandymama's studio from 14:00 to 18:00 on Saturday the 14th of August.  There will be a demonstration from 15:00 to 16:00 for those who are curious.

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Press Billy Potts Press Billy Potts

Mingpao Weekly 07/08/10

Went over to Sandymama's studio at lunch on Monday- shared a couple sandwiches with Chet Lam and Sandy and did this nice interview with Dawn from Mingpao. Everyone was so nice!

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Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Sweet Smell of Success!

The talk at the annual Hong Kong Book Fair went really well. A good crowd showed up and asked lots of great questions and we got a chance to rub shoulders with experts from the Poly U School of Design, CUHK Centre for Entrepreneurship as well as ECOLS eco store. Managed to hold my own in Cantonese for an hour and a half too.

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Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Big Cutting Weekend

Got down to lots and lots of cutting over at the Handsome Bag Company (we like to call it 'the HSBC'). Design Mini Mart is coming!  Must get to work - also purchased the most expensive pair of scissors I have ever encountered.  These bad boys better last for the rest of my life!

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