Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Diamond Sedan - A New Project

Have been saving up on updates- here comes a whole series. We are doing new and different things.

For our latest project, we are working with Diamond Cab to make sedan chairs for disabled people – the project is called Diamond Sedan!

For those who don’t know, Diamond Cab is a local barrier free taxi company that offers specialised transportation services to wheelchair users.

Diamond Sedan will be the second phase of Diamond Cab – they are now offering barrier free access to Hong Kong’s country parks.   The disabled are usually precluded from these beautiful parks as the rugged terrain makes them impassible to wheelchairs.  This is where the sedan chairs come in.

Everyone remembers sedan chairs as part of Hong Kong’s past – along with rickshaws they were HK’s proto-taxis.  We’ve combined old school sedan chair know-how with modern materials and technology.

We started by interviewing an 80 year old former sedan chair bearer, Auntie Bao.  Auntie Bao once made her living by carrying sedan chairs, with her friends, from Tung Chung to Tai O.  That’s a 3 hour journey up and down hill!

Auntie Bao was able to explain how sedan chairs used to be made and out of what materials.  She also told us about sedan chair carrying technique and attire.  We've learned all about tradition and technique from her - now we're going to blend them with modern materials.  Let's see what happens.

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Play, Uncategorized Billy Potts Play, Uncategorized Billy Potts

And we are back

Hi all, it's been a while since we posted- feels nice to be back :)  Happy CNY and all the best to everyone. We've been quiet for a reason- new things are happening here and we've actually been working...  What could this mean for Handsome in the year of the Dragon?  I don't know, but we'll soon see- I'm going to treat this as an adventure.

Meanwhile- here is a video which Shue Yan College students, Connie, Zoey and Kwan Kwan made about us making our lamps for Detour.  Enjoy!

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Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Better, Stronger, More Detailed

After a long month of product development and working closely with our seamstress, Kwan Tse, we have come up with a version of the taxi bag which we are very VERY happy with. The new version has a canvas interior and not 1, not 2, not, 3 but 5 pockets (if you count the exterior pocket). The lining is in the familiar bright red and proudly displays our 'Made in Kowloon' tag that was designed by Linda Huang.

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Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Sweet Smell of Success!

The talk at the annual Hong Kong Book Fair went really well. A good crowd showed up and asked lots of great questions and we got a chance to rub shoulders with experts from the Poly U School of Design, CUHK Centre for Entrepreneurship as well as ECOLS eco store. Managed to hold my own in Cantonese for an hour and a half too.

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Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Big Cutting Weekend

Got down to lots and lots of cutting over at the Handsome Bag Company (we like to call it 'the HSBC'). Design Mini Mart is coming!  Must get to work - also purchased the most expensive pair of scissors I have ever encountered.  These bad boys better last for the rest of my life!

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Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Orders and Commissions, Mini Design Mart- Thanks for all your support!

Dear Friends,

We never imagined that the Taxi Bags would be such a hit and we are very grateful and overwhelmed by the positive response and encouragement- thank you!

The Taxi Bags are now available to order, please contact us for information (prices / 'fares' available on request). We will also be at various stores and events- in particular we will be at the Mini Design Mart from the 13th to the 15th of August . It would be fantastic to see you there.

Cheers! Billy

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Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts Create, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Version Number #3

Just picked up bag #3 on Thursday- big improvement! #3 was a surprise, I wondered how the material was being used up so fast and then I discovered that the ladies at the Women's Worker's Association had been experimenting with using the piping for the front pocket- only thing was they'd given up half way for some reason!  I thought it looked great and asked them to finish the bag and this is the result:

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Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Upcycling Exhibition: 'Carpet, Banner and Leather'

The Handsome Bag Co. is pleased to be taking part in 'Carpet, Banner and Leather', an exhibition put together by the School of Design at Polytechnic University and the Community Museum Project.  Lots of great work, so please come take a look- doors open on the 10th of June and it will go on till the 30th at the CC Wu Building 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai.  Check out the flyer for more info.

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