Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Sweet Smell of Success!

The talk at the annual Hong Kong Book Fair went really well. A good crowd showed up and asked lots of great questions and we got a chance to rub shoulders with experts from the Poly U School of Design, CUHK Centre for Entrepreneurship as well as ECOLS eco store. Managed to hold my own in Cantonese for an hour and a half too.

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Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts Press, Uncategorized Billy Potts

Upcycling Exhibition: 'Carpet, Banner and Leather'

The Handsome Bag Co. is pleased to be taking part in 'Carpet, Banner and Leather', an exhibition put together by the School of Design at Polytechnic University and the Community Museum Project.  Lots of great work, so please come take a look- doors open on the 10th of June and it will go on till the 30th at the CC Wu Building 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai.  Check out the flyer for more info.

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